Lectures & Podcasts

Selected lectures
WEBINAR “Understanding the scope of EURES services for non-EU citizens with residential status” by Prof. Izabela Grabowska https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pZpr_KR2G64
Podcast: https://www.opendemocracy.net/en/podcasts/podcast-borders-belonging/ukraine-refugee/
Izabela Grabowska delivered a public lecture during EU Week at Technical University of Munich #Ukraine on the move, on the 10th of May 2022. https://www.lll.tum.de/join-us-for-the-eu-week-2022/
Izabela Grabowska delivered a public lecture on Unobvious migration from Ukraine and the Polish economy during the new seminar series of Department of Economics of Kozminski University, on the 5th of April 2022. https://www.kozminski.edu.pl/en/node/6855
Izabela Grabowska delivered a public lecture on IMPACT OF MIGRATION ON SOCIAL SKILLS OF THE GENERATION OF CHANGE AND THE GENERATION OF MIGRATION on the 13th of December 2019 at SWPS University within the Lecture Series Challenges to the Humanities of the 21st Century; more details at: https://english.swps.pl/university/events/2945-impact-of-migration-on-poles-born-between-1970-and-1989
Izabela Grabowska participated in the seminar: European University Association-Council for Doctoral Education; 17-18th of January 2019, Amsterdam, the Netherlands; Photo gallery: https://www.flickr.com/photos/153686878@N06/39859955413/in/album-72157705938170105/
Presentation by Izabela Grabowska: https://eua.eu/events/30-2019-eua-cde-thematic-workshop.html.
Izabela Grabowska was a panelist at the conference organized by Commissioner for Human Rights and SWPS University Konferencja z RPO na 100 lat praw wyborczych kobiet “Niedokończona emancypacja?”.
“Smutne, że w 21. wieku musimy mówić o kobietach, a nie o ludziach i ich kompetencjach. Podkreślała rolę mikrohistorii – ile przez te 100 lat kobiety zrobiły obiadów, prań, ile razy poszły z dzieckiem do lekarza, ale też ile książek napisały, ile odkryć dokonały, ile prac naukowych napisały. Po 1918 nie nastąpił efekt „rozlania się” praw zdobytych przez kobiety na inne sfery życia. Dziś w Polsce na 100 mężczyzn studiuje ponad 130 kobiet, ale to się nie przekłada na rynek pracy.”
Izabela Grabowska is a Member of the National Reference Group for Societal Challenge 6 in H2020
Net4Society and European Commission, 8th of November 2018, Warsaw – learn more
Presentation for the Net4Society and EC Warsaw 8.11.2018
Lecture: Migration-Induced Social Change in Poland, 18th April 2018, Social Policy and Society Annual Lecture, University of Sheffield
Link to the lecture: https://digitalmedia.sheffield.ac.uk/media/SP%26S+Annual+Lecture/0_iuqpms30
Artifacts and Allegiances: How Museums Put the Nation and the World on Display – discussion in the POLIN Museum.
Discussion participants: prof. Peggy Levitt from Harvard University, prof. Barbara Kirshenblatt-Gimblett from POLIN Museum, dr Łucja Piekarska-Duraj from Department of European Studies of Jagiellonian University, prof. Izabela Grabowska from SWPS University
Link to the discussion: https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=1&v=m-nVSpSiGyo
Izabela Grabowska will deliver a two-hour masterclass to PhD students and early career researchers entitled, Interdisciplinary approach to complex policy issues: A case of migration-development nexus on the afternoon of Thursday 19th April 2018 at the University of Sheffield (UK).
Learn more: http://mrg.group.shef.ac.uk/
Izabela Grabowska run Masterclass 6 Interdisciplinary approach to complex policy issues: A case of migration-development nexus during Joint Research Center-SAS-INGSA Evidence and Policy Summer School which took place in Senec in Slovakia, 6-8 September 2017:
Link to the community of practice of Joint Research Center: https://ec.europa.eu/jrc/communities/community/evidence4policy/news/jrc-sas-ingsa-evidence-and-policy-summer-school
Link to the Masterclass ‘Interdisciplinary approach to complex policy issues: A case of migration-development nexus’: https://ec.europa.eu/jrc/communities/sites/jrccties/files/6_interdisciplinary_approach_to_complex_policy_issues.pdf
Lecture: Thinking and theorizing about migrants as agents of change in light of SAC
(Structure, Agency & Culture) ontology of Margaret Archer, 27.03.2017
THE 3RD EDITION OF SOCIAL THOUGHT MASTER COURSES: The Human Person in view of Contemporary Civilisational Processes
Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University in Warsaw
ul. Wóycickiego 1/3 building 21
Lecture: Transfery społeczno-kulturowe migrantow poakcesyjnych z Polski [Social and cultural transfers of post accession migrants], 18.06.2015 https://www.youtube.com/watch?
Wyklad dla Zwiazku Bankow Polskich: Klub Polska 2025+ “Polska emigracja – szansa czy tylko porażka?”
Centre of Migration Research 20th Anniversary Seminar
‘Migration in occupational life’
University of Warsaw, March 4th 2013
Seminarium OBM 4 marca 2013r.: “Migracje w życiu zawodowym człowieka”
Youth and ‘youth on the move’ in the EU labour market
Sweden, Uppsala December 5th 2012