Occupational careers of migrants

[Full title: Careers and socio-occupational mobility of post-accession migrants]

Aims of the project

  1. Quantitative analysis of the detailed sequences of occupational careers of migrant and sedentary local populations
  2. Quantitative and qualitative analysis of an impact of migration on occupational lives in local labour markets in homeland
  3. Analysis of meanings of migration to occupational lives of people (biographical narrative interviews).


  1. Reconstruction of the detailed sequences of migrant and sedentary persons’ occupational paths (both employment and other statuses in the labour market) as captured in 1996-2008 various ethno-surveys conducted by Centre of Migration Research, University of Warsaw- coding up missed data from paper questionnaires (both for migrants and non-migrants) and recoding available variables in order to reconstruct full detailed sequences of occupational careers
  2. Conducting structured individual interviews with return migrants in Nysa (Opolskie Region) and Warsaw during fieldwork with students of University of Social Sciences and Humanities in 2010
  3. Conducting biographical narrative in-depth interviews with return migrants in all Poland.

Project team
Izabela Grabowska- leader
Ewa Jazwinska- methodologist and senior researcher
Iwona Trepczynska- junior researcher
Magdalena Tomasik- junior researcher

Publications connected to the project

Bez tytułu






Grabowska I. (2016). Movers and Stayers: Social Mobility, Migration and Skills, Frankfurt Am Main: Lang.

Grabowska I., Jazwińska E. (2016). Mobilność społeczna i migracje, [In:] Górny A., Kaczmarczyk P., Lesińska M. (eds.). Transformacje. Przewodnik po zmianach społeczno-ekonomicznych w Polsce. Warsaw: Scholar, 151-159.

Fihel A., Grabowska-Lusinska I. (2014). Labour Market Behaviours of Back-and-Forth Migrants From Poland.International Migration, 52(1), 22–35.

Grabowska-Lusińska I. Jaźwińska E., (2014). Transfer jawnych i ukrytych komponentów kapitału ludzkiego poprzez migracje, w: Lesińska M., Slany K., Solga B., Okólski M. (eds.). Dekada członkostwa Polski w UE. Społeczne skutki emigracji Polaków po 2004 roku, KBnM PAN; Warszawa: Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego.

Grabowska-Lusinska I., Jazwinska E. (2013). Znaczenie migracji w życiu zawodowym kobiet i mężczyzn. Kultura i Społeczeństwo, 57(3), 85-108.

Grabowska-Lusinska I., Jazwinska E. (2013). Migracja – epizod czy etap w życiu zawodowym?, Studia Migracyjne – Przegląd Polonijny, 4, 73-94.

Grabowska-Lusińska I., Jaźwińska E. (2012). Mobilność przestrzenna, społeczna i kariery zawodowe migrantów: cele, problemy i podejścia badawcze na podstawie badań OBM UW, Studia Migracyjne – Przegląd Polonijny,2, 71-103.

migrantow sciezki

Grabowska-Lusinska I. (2012), Migrantow sciezki zawodowe bez granic [Migrants’ boundryless careers], Warsaw: Scholar. [habilitation monograph]

Reviews / recenzje monografii ‘Migrantow sciezki zawodowe bez granic’



Jaźwińska-Motylska Ewa (eds.). 2013. Kariery i mobilność społeczno-zawodowa migrantów poakcesyjnych. [Occupational careers of post-accession migrants.] CMR Working Paper, 65(123).

Institution and source of funding
Ministry of Science and Higher Education


Polish Academy of Sciences, POLPAN Seminar, Warsaw, 23rd April 2013.

Paper: The role of migration in occupational life.

Centre of Migration Research, University of Warsaw, 20th Anniversary Seminar, Role of migration in occupational life [Rola migracji w zyciu zawodowym], in Polish



IMISCOE RN 9th Annual Conference, 27-29th October 2012, Amsterdam

Paper: Occupational careers and labour market transitions of young Polish migrants: structure and agency; Workshop 8th: Youth Migrants and (Un)employment: Key Factors For Exploring The Access of Young Migrants to The Labour Market.

 IMISCOE 8th Annual Conference, Warsaw, 8-9thOctober 2011

Session: Keeping gender and life course in focus

Paper: Migrants’ occupational careers, gender and life course (with Ewa Jazwinska)